Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

A B O U T ME !!

My photo
Kapit, Bumi Kenyalang, Malaysia
I was born on Sheep year (1991). I'm not mixed and i was born as a pure Sea Dayak(Iban). I proud to be Iban. There a lot of unique about Iban ethnic. Especially their custom and foods. I'm sure that you will never ever says that Iban ethnic is not interesting. Come n explore more when you come to Sarawak. Yes! I'm promise you that you will fall in love with Sarawak. :) First of all, I do not like to be alone. I'm very family-oriented people. If you do not like children or big families, I'm not right for you. I will give themselves entirely to the right person and will do everything I can to maintain a stable, loving, happy relationship. It’s always been about me myself and I. I never wanted to be anybody’s other half. I was happy to say that I'm proud to be Myself.. #smile ^^ My Status:[ ✖ ] Single [ ✖ ] Taken [ ✔ ] God Is Writing My Love Story ♥ "SEBAB BAGI ALLAH TIADA YANG MUSTAHIL..LUKAS1:37"

I miss them..

Hmm...actually i'm far...far away from my family...semalam my mum MMS...ade ke pulak MMS nie bengong sikit, tak dapat nak download...ee..!
By the way..all that problem can be settle by calling Celcom Service....pheww~~finally i can open that MMS...I was shocked...my mum send pic bilik yang dh lekat wallpaper...hahaha...so sweet...
dulu time saya nak lekat kan....my mum say.."Jangan nak kotor kan dinding..." then...saya rasa...rindu sangat2....saya rindu mereka la...T.T....i agree with statement..."Home Sweet Home"...
tapi saya kena tahan jugak....sebab nanti2 jauh juga dari family bila dh nak mula study....huh~ ok fine...
Walaupun sikit...i know my mum doing this because she also miss me t0o...aiy0oo...can believe this...i cry when i write this, you know..tersentuh*coz i miss her*...huhuhu...T.T love u t0o mum...u are my everything...hmm..
heran juga...how she know i suke Penguin??...hahaha...actually saya suka semua cartoon...Angry Bird and Spongebob! i dun know why....hehehe...

lepas tu saya terima MMS kedua...hahaha...my mum nie funny la...i knoe she alone there with my 2 little bro and need some fun or activities because she far from her two daugther and miss them damn much..hehe...adik lelaki yang sorang tu asyik main bola...dan yang sorang tu kicik..belom tau apa2 berlaku disekeling..yang dia tau "Tarian Singa"...uwaa....i miss both of them....=) begitu juga my sister...and i miz my family so much...damn much lepas tengok pic nih...=)

What happen to that side wall mum...?? macam kindergarten la mum...hehehe..

Sebenarnya kita kena sedar yang kita makin dewasa dan akan pergi jauh juga dari family...dulu mana ada pikir semua nie...asyik bawah ketiak mak bapak...sekarang..ambik kau....hehehe...BERDIKARI harus dimana2...sekarang baru paham erti tu...betul kazen saya cakap..kalau tak berdikari...mana nak tau TANGGUNGJAWAB kan....ehehehe...*alamak..dh lebih dh nih...hahaha

And here, saya nak teriak.. I miss my family..!!!! all of them...!!!!


I must be strong...I can do it..!


