Hello July, Haha.. Finally I can recover my blog email n psswrd... How come I became a pelupa... hushush..
Its nice to give and take. Hahh..finally we are over.. Yes, God is good.. What goes around will come around.. Many things happen..dunno what.. Its family crisis..and all thing is messy!
Only God know what I have been through.. hm..hm... (James 4:10)
Btw, God is awesome.. Thank God.. Hewhew.. Oh ya..childish mt bolg ku last2 year..omg! thats not me ok.. God ways have change me.. People change by time.. haha.. ^_^
Next schedule..
1. Say Hi to Sem.4..
2. Event Gawai Tutup Tirai...
3. Next, HBC...
Last2 sem... ^_^
A B O U T ME !!

- Tinnie O Tinnie Tijo
- Kapit, Bumi Kenyalang, Malaysia
- I was born on Sheep year (1991). I'm not mixed and i was born as a pure Sea Dayak(Iban). I proud to be Iban. There a lot of unique about Iban ethnic. Especially their custom and foods. I'm sure that you will never ever says that Iban ethnic is not interesting. Come n explore more when you come to Sarawak. Yes! I'm promise you that you will fall in love with Sarawak. :) First of all, I do not like to be alone. I'm very family-oriented people. If you do not like children or big families, I'm not right for you. I will give themselves entirely to the right person and will do everything I can to maintain a stable, loving, happy relationship. It’s always been about me myself and I. I never wanted to be anybody’s other half. I was happy to say that I'm proud to be Myself.. #smile ^^ My Status:[ ✖ ] Single [ ✖ ] Taken [ ✔ ] God Is Writing My Love Story ♥ "SEBAB BAGI ALLAH TIADA YANG MUSTAHIL..LUKAS1:37"