Sometimes u have to get lost to find yourself again, and sometimes u have to let the dam break,let the tears flow and then start all over again. I've done both!
They say a broken heart will only make you stronger...then why wont this pain go away?
says, if you don't like me...too bad! I wasn't put on this earth to make you happy, so get over yourself!
Even what ever things happen...i still stand with gojes smile...ahahaha...When will this chapter of my life be over? I want to skip the pages that contain stress & drama and finally be at peace. I am tired in my body, heart, & has three phases:
=> Past, Present, and Future.... You learn from your past mistakes to prevent doing them in the present so that your future is better...
I'm not the best drunker but i'm the best of cheater! :D boleh bha kalau kau....
DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF! Don't worry who hates u, who has more, or what they do. Cherish what u have with friends and those who love u. All else is useless!
Bye2... Mmmuuuaaahhhhh!! ^^