Bulan pertama di Kuching...meoww..ehee..
hangout pertama with Isabel,Ahcong n my rumate Jane2...time ni kami dekat Gereja Iban Methodist Kapit....and i like it so much...then we hangout with Aman...tp xda pic Aman..hehe..sorry Bro Aman...(^_^)v
Actually saya memang minat bidang photographer tp xda rezeki saya...so..peneman nya ialah my Cybershot 510....oke la kan pic nie...hehehe...let we see...
Hangout with this two....
Hangout with this two people...
i hate cat but this one is unique..emm
boleh laa...:p hehe...
dia tidak mau pandang kamera! ee...
first day at class...huhuhu...its Bel130...
Mty rumate n classmate...:p
I'm doing this when i'm boring...hehe...
then...GreenTea all my time...and i love it so much...
i dun know what i'm doing but i love this necklace so much...:p
with my classmate n rumate...its time with senior Ac110...
takes my own photo is my habit when i'm boring!
going to class and i dun like my posture! :p
having launch with my classmate...:p
gmbr curi2...candid!
see...its my habit...haha...n my hobby oso...:p
during this...my rumate going for their KESATTT!
its green tea n what i'm doing in class when i'm boring...
balik dari kelas...tiba2..saya terlihat itu pokok bunga..wahhh...
i dunt realize that is a rose...i like it so much....
berulang kali sya menggunakan jln itu..tp sya tak pernah perasan bunga itu disitu...haha...
haha...terbalik pulak...:p tiket for Larian Sehati...utk cop k...
and i do it againnn~~~
hehehe... |
Yeahh...its hangout again~~
Adut..my map...XD
Jaz...myrumate..n classmate..
My Rumate...mangsa buli~~ XD
my classmate n my second map...haha...XD
balik hostel..kena buat homework...
Trial Balance n Ledger...
ada brani???ehee...
masa berlalu...jingle bell...jingle bell....
sebelum balik utk x'mas...kita org ada pegi utk gathering...
so..kmi xda hadiah..so terpaksa la pergi singgah kedai beli sweet! ehee...
sorry...tp nsib hadiah terkena pada my rumate...ehee...
btw..thanks pda yg empunya hadiah ni...
Merry x'mas 2011..God bless...
mode semua dh mode X'mas...haha...
this is my classmate...Dhodoe...
kantoi tdo...ehee...:p
i'm doing this when i'm boring~~
okee...itu semua pic sebelum balik ooo...
masa ni minggu last before x'mas...ehee...
jeng2...i'm home sweet home sudahh...
hangout with my cuzzie....
at Market Teresang...
my sis n my cuzzie (BBYIE)..
yang bawah ni ialah Kampua...
nampak benor sodap....hehe
i'm craving for this! ~.~
with my twin....lop u twinz..
with my lovely brother...
i miz him right now...huhu
this is my primary school...
and i miz that moment very much~
with my niece...mmuuahh!
family dinner..
at Happy Garden...
me and the stuff...
beli barang new year with my cuzzie...:D
going here again...
nak ambik kerusi...ehee
my cuzzie bday and i prayed for his party....
and this my time with my niece (nunie)
i love her very much...mmuuahh!
the end of 2011 before 2012~
Happy New Year~
(^_^) God bless...